After writing about the Adidas Kick TR shoes, the world-cup themed sneakers from Adidas, I’ve found something even cooler for you sneaker freaks out there! The Puma Tekkies are a series of football themed shoes, which attempt to portray world cup participant countries creatively on something you can take with you every day. They are all designed with the country they represent in mind, drawing influence from the country colors, flags, and traditions. I love the grungy look on most of the designs, and the countries they are made for. ThePuma Tekkies can be bought for Germany, Brazil, South Africa, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Italy. My favorite pair is the Ghana Tekkies pair.
Check them out:
And a close-up of the Brazil Tekkies:
You can buy them here: Puma Shop
Or in the United States, you can get them at the Puma City store. Happy Tekking!