The Mail has a story today about a 29-year-old woman who blew the vuvuzelas too hard and as a result ruptured her throat.
The lady says:
‘I had never blown a vuvuzela before but was given one at work and was going to watch the first South Africa match so thought I’d take it along.
I was walking towards the Fan Park in Cape Town and blowing it as hard as I could when suddenly my throat started to hurt. At first I thought I’d gone down with a bug but the next day it was worse.
When I went to the doctor he took a look and then laughed. He said I’d ruptured my throat by blowing too hard, and that perhaps I had been doing it all wrong.”
The doc says:
“I would urge other fans not to go over the top while blowing, and just follow what your body tells you. If it hurts, stop.”
Sage advice, and a cautionary tale for anyone who goes over the top while blowing horns.
Source: Daily Mail.
The Vuvuzela World Cup is full of people blowing their horns, and I’m pretty sure other people got hurt as well but they would be too embarrassed to talk about it (unless the newspapers pays your medical bills too, eh).